F Modern Mommy: January 2014


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

pregnancy fashion

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post some non child fashion on here. In case you haven't caught on I am pregnant. Therefore, I have been sick, and super tired. My fashion has honestly stunk in the last few months and I have been in lazy attire wanting to take a nap but knowing there is no way my children would let me.  Adding to it I have a really hard time finding pregnant clothing that fits. Most are baggy and give off the appearance that I am trying to be gangster- Not a good look for me.

I actually looked decent today so I figured I had better capture this moment ;)

Shirt: Target
Jeans: kids consignment store ( I have a really hard time finding bottoms that fit so I was ecstatic to find these so low priced. They are GAP brand
Boots: 1318 ( where else?)


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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Little Pea Coat

Guess what?! My Husband was a total sweety and got me a new camera for Christmas! (Old one broke) 
 It just arrived! That means you get to see lots more pictures of me and my kids again! Yeah you!  

Here is a super cute outfit of my oldest. The main thing I love about this, is the pea coat! There is nothing cuter than a little girl all dressed up in her pea coat :) 

She insisted on holding her hair water bottle and tried to get me wet the entire time. 
Such a funny kid.

 And here she is helping me water my dead plants. Yes, I have many dead plants. Plants don't do well at our house. We like the hardy plants that don't need attention and come back every year lol

Coat: JOU JOU- Shopko
Boots: Anna- Ebay
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