F Modern Mommy: October 2013


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Toddler vests

Isn't everything cuter when its mini?
  I love this fun little girl. She has so much personality and spunk.
She loves zipping and unzipping her vest.

Yeah! Looks like we caught a smile!
Shirt: Walmart
Jeans: Childrens Place
Vest: Hand me down from big sis. (Old Navy)
Shoes: Target

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keepin it casual

I've been enjoying the weather lately. Even more so the hot chocolate. I am a sucker for hot chocolate. To be honest I drink it year round. But no one questions me on it in the fall haha.  There is just something comforting about hot chocolate.

Here is another fun casual outfit to keep you warm this fall!

I'm trying so show my shoes here. Instead I look like a flamingo

Shirt: American Eagle
Jeans: LA Idol
Shoes: Paprika
Necklace: Premier Designs

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Meet Candace- My Own Sweet Scoops

Hey! I’m Candace from My Own Sweet Scoops. I blog about the latest fashions and DIY projects for a reasonable price. If you’re like me, you are trying to save an extra dollar or two when possible and still keep things trendy. I am here to not only show you items from fashion to home décor, but I am here to point you in the direction of where to find them. I am so excited to be doing a blog guest post today for Jenifer! She is so cute! I love her blog! I hope you all enjoy reading!! (www.myownsweetscoops.com

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Legging facts

I was asked to do a post about leggings. I feel like leggings are very controversial. Some people love them, while others hate them. But the main problem I see is that most of the time the people that don't like them don't know how to wear them or aren't see them being worn correctly.

I think it's a bit overkill to say leggings are not pants because realistically they cover your legs and your butt. 
Lets look up the definition of pants shall we ...

pl n
1. ( Brit ) an undergarment reaching from the waist to the thighs or knees
2. Also called: trousers  a garment shaped to cover the body from the waist to the ankles or knees with separate tube-shaped sections for both legs

Ok so we are agreed that they are technically pants. But why does there still seems to be an issue?

Because,There is a right and wrong way to wear leggings

Here are some basic rules:
1. See through leggings are not cool, Unless your wearing a long enough dress. No one wants to see your underwear or lack of. Always try them on before buying.
2. Even though we decided leggings are pants, it is still best to wear a long top that covers 3/4 of your backside. Why? Because sometimes you need to bend over. The leggings you thought weren't see through while you were standing up just might be when your bending over. once again no one wants to see your underwear or lack of. If you don't have a top that is long enough, get a longer tank top and layer it under your shirt. Layers are awesome!
3. Not to tight. They are leggings, not saran wrap. They should be comfortable. Comfort is the reason they were invented.

I hope this answers some of your general questions about leggings and if you weren't a legging fan before maybe you will be now. If not, that's ok too, to each their own. 

Top: Zenana Outfitters- Gordmans
Under shirt- Gordmans
Leggings- Forever 21
Flats- Burlington Coat Factory

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Kids fashion is too cute!

Lets face it. Not much is cuter than kids all dress up with their kids fashion! 
My oldest daughter is all about layering right now. Isn't she a doll.

Under tank top: Seagull books
T-shirt: Target
Boots: Ebay

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Meet Courtney from All Things Unpredictable & Chic

Meet Courtney
I love teaming up with other modest bloggers! Courtney has a great blog that you will love! Enjoy!

Hello everyone! My name is Courtney Pruitt and I blog over at All Things Unpredictable & Chic!
I am glad to have this opportunity to guest post on Jenifer's blog and introduce you to little spot on the internet. I started a blog earlier this year as a fun hobby to do and to have a place to express myself and all the things that run through my brain! I am 23, married to my best friend, and living and working in Downtown Salt Lake City! Fashion to me is all about trying out new things and having fun! My blog consists of affordable fashion and expressing yourself through your own personal style. These days, anything goes! As long as you have confidence, you can truly pull off anything! 
Head over to my blog to see more of my outfits, DIY posts, recipes, and more!
The best thing about blogging is being able to meet other talented bloggers! I truly love seeing how creative people are so I'd love for you to stop by and say hello!
Follow me on

Sweater // Maeberry Vintage
Leggings // Forever 21
Shoes // Forever Young Shoes
Ring // Papa East
Hair Tie // TiedUpLooseEnds

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