F Modern Mommy: December 2013


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

end of summer/ beginging of fall flash back

Okay Okay, I know, I havent been posting as often as I should. I have a couple reasons actually first of all my camera is mostly broken. I say mostly because if I sit there and fight with it for an hour I might get a couple decent shots without the batter popping out and the camera turning off :( Also on a second and more fun note, I am expecting! The good news; I will have a sweet little baby in July. The bad news; I cant fit in my clothes :( I am on a search for decent looking maternity clothing. If you have any suggestions of places to try feel free to leave me a comment. In the mean time, here is a photo shoot I missed putting up back in the end of summer/ begining of the fall :) Enjoy

Tank top: Maurices
T shirt: Forever21
Jeans: Bullhead
Flip flops: Reefs -Journeys

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Monday, December 2, 2013


I enjoy this outfit. Its a great outfit for staying at home and chasing the little ones around in. 
Top: Essential Tee-Down East Basics
Cardigan: Gordmans
Jeans: Hollister
Boots: 1318 
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