F Modern Mommy: How to wear bright colors


Thursday, September 5, 2013

How to wear bright colors

In the field of cosmetology half your wardrobe turns black. Nothing is more boring than all black all the time. So, to mix things up a bit I like to add a splash of color when I get a chance.

These are one of my favorite pair of jeans, mainly because they are pink, but who doesn't like pink?
Neon pink can be a bit much for some people, so I choose to tone it down a tiny bit with a solid color. Normally a simple black or white top to make sure you don't over do it. You don't want to take away from the bright neon fun!

Shirt: Zenana Outfitters- Gordmans
Pink Jeans: Hollister
Flats: Soda- Burlington Coat Factory
Necklace: Premier Designs

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  1. I have never heard of Zenana Outfitters, is it inexpensive? Because I really like your shirt.

    1. Thanks. That was the name of the brand on the tag. I purchased it from a new store called Gordmans. Gordmans is similar to a kohls. I think it was $12. I don't like to spend a lot on tops.
